Alpha GPC Vs Citicoline – Which Is Best ?
There are two key ingredients that sit at the core of any good quality, natural nootropic supplement: citicoline and alpha GPC. But what makes these two ingredients so important, how do they work and what sets them apart from each other?
Let’s look at their similarities to begin with – citicoline and alpha GPC are similarly priced and tend to come in similar doses, and they also work in the same way – by supporting increased levels of acetylcholine in the brain. This is essential to strong overall cognitive function and enhanced memory.
Where they differ, however, is in exactly how they work, with each boasting its own unique mechanism. alpha GC works by increasing the concentration of dopamine in specific parts of the brain, whereas citicoline impacts how dopamine is released, along with the density of the brain’s dopamine receptors. These actions have their own distinct effect on how the brain functions.
Let’s take a look at the pair in more detail…
When taken as a nootropic supplement citicoline converts into choline, before returning back to citicoline once it has passed the blood brain barrier. At this point it works to increase choline synthesis and support higher levels of phospholipids in the brain. This, in turn, has a positive impact on the release and synthesis of acetylcholine, which converts into the nootropic uridine.
Alpha GPC
While this compound occurs naturally in the body and in some food, when consumed as a nootropic it has proven to have a positive impact on cognitive functioning. This is especially true in patients possessing lower choline levels in the brain. Alpha GPC works in a different way to citicoline by actually catabolises into acetylcholine itself rather than supporting natural production of citicoline.
Both compounds, moreover, have performed impressively when put to the test. Alpha GPC has proven to increased dopamine levels in rats and has also demonstrated the ability to improve the release of dopamine from neutrons under certain conditions.
Citicoline, on the other hand, stimulates more tyrosine hydroxylase activity – this can result in higher dopamine levels to support improved memory and cognitive functioning.
Which Emerges Victorious?
While both compounds can certainly give you a mental boost and have strong impact on memory and cognitive function, we think citicoline just clinches it.
Why? Because alpha GPC relies heavily on animal trials in its testing, whereas citicoline has seen some impressive results when trialing with humans.
A trial testing our preferred version of citicoline – Cognizin®, for example, resulted in huge increases in focus and attention during stringent psychological testing after just four weeks.
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