About The Author
My name is Paul Gardner, I am 58 years old and am the owner, editor and main writer for nootropicreviewsaustralia.com.
I started this website just over 5 years ago after developing an intense fixation and interest in natural nootropics and their ability to help boost your brain power, improve memory, concentration, focus and in fact anything cerebral..
I have a CPD accreditation in Sports nutrition and many of my articles have been published in a number of media publications.
I am not a medically qualified doctor and with that in mind, nothing in this website is meant to take the place of professional medical advice, and I want to make it clear right now that I strongly recommend that if you feel you have any brain illness, that you do speak to your doctor before trying any supplement..-
When I am not working, I spend a lot of my spare time searching through the internet, and if I find any nootropic products that are of interest to me, or perhaps they are a particular source of discussion on social media then I will go check them out..
In many cases I invest in a minimum of a months supply of the product to try it for myself… It’s the only real way that I or anybody for that matter can truly determine just how good ( or bad) a product is..
If for any reason I cannot obtain the product directly ( sometimes shipping or custom restrictions stop me buying them from overseas), then quite often a good in-depth look at the formula in particular is quite enough for me to ascertain the potency and potential effects of any supplement.
I have spend the past five years researching nootropic ingredients in great depth, reading countless clinical studies as well as speaking to both the makers and users of these products, and I now have a deep knowledge of what works and what doesn’t..
I do not get involved in looking at or reviewing powerful prescription type drug based nootropics ( such as racetams, modafinil etc) although I have written about them on my website..
I truly believe that a well formulated, well researched natural nootropic can (in many cases) match, and in fact beat anything that a prescription drug can offer – and you don’t get too many (if at all) side effects either…
How I Review Each Product
Any reviews and opinions are simply that – My own personal opinion based on my experiences while taking the product and after intensive reading and plenty of research… what works for me, may not work for you.. I am simply trying to offer a guide, some honest advice and hopefully to stop you wasting your hard earned money on some rubbish product…
As i said above, I spend a long time searching online and on social media for new nootropic supplements.. if they interest me, I will often buy a months supply and try them for myself, if not I take a good hard look at the formula, and the company behind it.. you will be amazed what you can find out just by digging a bit.
Sometimes a manufacturer will ask me directly to review their product, and will send me a supply either for free or at a much reduced price.. whether I get it for nothing or I have to pay full price for it, my reviews are always 100% fair, honest and (in my opinion) accurate…
Things I Look For In a Good Nootropic Supplement
I always prefer products that have a fully disclosed formula.. too many manufacturers hide the true formula behind that old favourite – the “proprietary blend, matrix or compound”
Its essential to know exactly how much of each of the particular ingredients are in the mix… if you do not know this information I strongly recommend that you avoid that particular product…. without knowing how much of anything is in each dose, quite frankly you have no idea if there is actually enough of anything for it to have the desired effect….
If the product lists a really large number of ingredients, you can be pretty sure that there is only trace amounts and therefore its possibly going to be weak and ineffective… From my personal experience, those with between 8 and 12 fully disclosed key ingredients seem to be the best..
Products I would always avoid personally are the ones that contain stimulants such as caffeine, guarana or even Yohimbe (although thats another story – this is on the FDA’s dangerous ingredient list and is banned in many countries..rather strangely however its still legally available in the USA) –
Some manufacturers often put these in their products to give you that ‘hit or buzz’ that you can get from a strong cup of coffee… many users often think that this is the product working, but believe me it’s almost certainly not.. any effect you get from a hit of stimulants will usually be short-lived and quite often will result in an unpleasant dip or ‘crash’ in energy as the effects wear off…
I will always be 100% open about the results from any product and (if any) its side effects… that said, if I say something gave me headaches or a stomach upset for example, it does not necessarily mean that it will give them to you.
Contact Me
First off.. Welcome to the world of nootropics!! Its an amazing subject…
I am happy to hear from any manufacturers that would like me to review their product… I also enjoy hearing from anybody out there who has a question or comment about nootropics.
Please use the form below, I will always reply personally and will do so within one working day.